Do you plan to provide an end point in Astro-colibri to get the field image for the requested position. That would be used by the Wivona Team…
for the moment we don’t see the need for an endpoint in Astro-COLIBRI to retrieve PanSTAARS reference images. They can be found rather easily via their url:
The first two parameters are the coordinates (RA/Dec) and the size parameter defines the cutout image size in pixels (240pixel/arcmin). This is how the direct link that are available in Astro-COLIBRI for all events within the region covered by PanSTARRS are built.
Note that for regions of interest in the Southern hemisphere, reference images are available from SkyMapper via their API. An example of the access url is:,-5.175033&SIZE=0.05&BAND=g,r,i&FORMAT=GRAPHIC&VERB=3
The used parameters are very similar: POS is RA and Dec and the size is given in degree.