Software Clients working with Astro-Colibri

We are proud to announce our Beta Demonstrator for use of the Astro-Colibri Api by Prism.

Currently, the demonstrator is outside of Prism, but is tailored to be included in Prism (Developped in Delphi in an Object Oriented Approach). The demonstator is able to write a “list of objects to be Observed” by Prism. Prism “Automatic Observation” is fully accessible.

The developpement is part of the WIVONA Pro/AM action supported by Observatoire de Paris/Meudon. The WIVONA team includes Professionnal astronomers and amateurs.

Actions of the WIVONA team actually concern PRISM V11+ and SharpCap 4.0+ .

A view of the current transient Objects in Prism Skymap.