
Hi Fabian we just received an alert about T crb but nothing appears in colibri. I assume there is a mistake somewhere ?


The T Crb notification was triggered by a new optical transient detected by GOTO on 2024-06-27 10:54:56 that is called AT 2024mzt.

The event is most likely not showing up in your interface due to the default cut on the magnitude. The GOTO event has been recorded at 20.27 mag only… There is no classification information for the moment (the event has only just been reported to TNS). Given the very low luminosity, I would assume that this event is only spatially close to T Crb but is not related to the expected outburst.
Lets consider this a real-life test for the dedicated alert channel on this source :wink:

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Also note that the T Crb notifications are sent for new transients that are reported within a box with sides of 1deg around T Crb. We don’t apply additional filters (e.g. on the magnitude) mainly because we don’t want to miss early reports that may not contain that information…

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Ok I understand . May be 1 deg around is a little bit too wide ;-). Tx

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I agree. We’ll put it to 1/10 deg with the next release (scheduled for early next week at the moment).

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Another alert (AT 2024nhm ) from the region around T CrB that is not related to the expected nova was received. As discussed above, we’ll update (i.e. reduce) the size of the region around T CrB in the next days…