Astro-COLIBRI v2.15.0 Release Announcement

Dear Astro-COLIBRI Community,

We are excited to announce the release of Astro-COLIBRI v2.15.0, packed with new features and enhancements to improve your experience and capabilities. Here’s what’s new:

:telescope: Introducing OPTICAL LIGHTCURVES :telescope:

  • Daily Updated Lightcurves: Using data from the large sky surveys ATLAS, ASAS-SN and ZTF, you have now direct access to the latest lightcurves for all recent optical transients. The lightcurves are updated daily and are directly available in the interfaces.
  • Customized Lightcurves: You now also have the opportunity to generate customized lightcurves using user-defined time ranges for all events.
  • More details are given on a dedicated page in our documentation.

:star2: New Additions :star2:

  • Localisation Contours for IceCube Cascade Events: We’ve added localisation contours to help you better interpret cascade-like high-energy neutrino event. They are shown in the cone searches and require the science mode to be activated.
  • GRBs Detected by the SVOM Satellite: Following the successfull launch of the french-chinese SVOM mission, you can now access data on gamma-ray bursts detected by the SVOM satellite. :rocket:

:hammer_and_wrench: Minor Changes and Improvements :hammer_and_wrench:

  • Improved Sub-Filters for Classified Optical Transients: Enhanced sub-filters for more accurate classification of optical transients.
  • Updated Tilepy Integration to v1.1.0: We’ve upgraded Tilepy integration to the latest version.
  • Layout and Design Improvements: We’ve made several tweaks to enhance the user interface and overall design.
  • Various Minor Improvements and Bug Fixes: As usual, we implemented various minor enhancements and bug fixes to ensure a smoother experience.

We hope these new features and improvements will enhance your research and make Astro-COLIBRI even more useful for you. As always, we appreciate your feedback and suggestions for future updates.

Thank you for being a part of our community.

Best regards,
The Astro-COLIBRI Team

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