After 12 nights of observations of the supernovae SN2024abfo in NGC1493, let us present our first report:
We put together observations from 2 sites:
- AITP Observatory at San Pedo de Atacama in Chili, PlaneWave17’’ Telescope (F/6.8) with a QHY268 CMOS camera and an L filter (420-685nm),
- IAS Observatory at Hakos in Namibia, Lacerta Newton 12’’ Telescope (F/4) with a QHY268 CMOS camera and an L filter (420-685nm).
Calibrated pictures have not been stacked, measured individually by AstroimageJ, and compared to Gbp magnitude of stars from the GAIA DR2 catalog.
For this first proposal
of a light curve, magnitudes are median values and date of observations the middle time of the night series.
The calibrated pictures not stacked have all been sent to the Own-Cloud of the Kilonovacatcher campaign. All detailed data is available on demand.
|DATE JJ|Mag Gbp|Mag_RMS|Author / Measurer|Observatory|
| — | — | — | — | — |
|2460632,37977|16,85|0,12|Roger Hellot|M49-IAS-OBS-Hakos-Namibia / Obs. M. Junius|
|2460633,40537|16,67|0,10|Roger Hellot|M49-IAS-OBS-Hakos-Namibia / Obs. M. Junius|
|2460635,55110|16,1|0,04|Roger Hellot|W96-AITP-OBS-SanPedro-Chili / Obs. R. Hellot|
|2460636,58112|15,76|0,02|Roger Hellot|W96-AITP-OBS-SanPedro-Chili / Obs. R. Hellot|
|2460637,54322|15,49|0,02|Roger Hellot|W96-AITP-OBS-SanPedro-Chili / Obs. R. Hellot|
|2460638,38982|15,28|0,08|Roger Hellot|M49-IAS-OBS-Hakos-Namibia / Obs. M. Junius|
|2460639,54367|15,03|0,02|Roger Hellot|W96-AITP-OBS-SanPedro-Chili / Obs. R. Hellot|
|2460640,58090|14,83|0,02|Roger Hellot|W96-AITP-OBS-SanPedro-Chili / Obs. R. Hellot|
|2460641,52233|14,68|0,02|Roger Hellot|W96-AITP-OBS-SanPedro-Chili / Obs. R. Hellot|
|2460642,47670|14,55|0,02|Roger Hellot|M49-IAS-OBS-Hakos-Namibia / Obs. M. Junius|
|2460643,55050|14,42|0,02|Roger Hellot|W96-AITP-OBS-SanPedro-Chili / Obs. R. Hellot|
|2460644,55598|14,32|0,02|Roger Hellot|W96-AITP-OBS-SanPedro-Chili / Obs. R. Hellot|
Roger Hellot
Tel: +33 6 08 54 80 93
Mail: roger.hellot.astro@gmail.com
Home : 23 rue Sainte Odile – F-67560 ROSHEIM
Great to see this dense sampling of the lightcurve. I guess you’ll continue to monitor the evolution?
2024 abfo is near its peak :
The SN seems to have reached its peak now. @jeanpascal.vignes , @roger.hellot.astro, are you continuing to monitor the evolution?
The decay phase is equally interesting! We are especially interesting to see a break in the otherwise smooth evolution… If you have any new results, feel free to post them…
Hello fabian, yes I do follow the decay ,I plan to do so for several months
I am still observing SN2024abfo in NGC1493 every night. Last night the sky was covered but I could at least make one picture this morning. Next night will again be better.
This SN is still amazing, and I will stay observing it through the next weeks. This is a such beautiful opportunity.
I am making investigations about a small decrease I observed at the maximum. I haven’t seen it on other curves. I haven’t found any error in the calibration of my pictures. Has somebody made picture with “Ha filter” or in another frequency band during this maximum? Or observed something like small variations? Personnely I did other pictures. Unfortunately, I am following also 2 other targets which take me a lot of time. And I have difficulties to find the Ha magnitude of the comparison stars.
Bien amicalement, Best regards, Mit freundlichen Grüβen
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After 24 days of observations of SN24abfo in NGC1493, I put together the different magnitude measures. I notice a small perturbation at maximum. Did somebody else notice that? After re-checking the data, I did not find anything abnormal in my pictures. But a confirmation or not would be appreciated.
Best regards, Roger
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Congratulations to this impressive dataset!
You may compare with the data from ATLAS survey (which is less dense than yours!). The latest lightcurve is available here:
It is updated twice per day within Astro-COLIBRI, so you can keep an eye on it here:
If you upload your data to the RAPAS notebook, you (as RAPAS member) should also be able to produce a joint lightcurve showing both, your data and ATLAS, in the same plot.
Voici ma courbe avec les dernières données, je ne vois pas de décrochage près du pic
Here is my curve with the latest data, I don’t see any dropout near the peak
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Here is a representation of the light curves of SN2024abfo obtained with the images I got in 2024. They raise a few questions in the amateur that I am.
It could be interesting if the professionnel astrophysicians try to explain to the amateurs what kind of information can be drawn from the analysis? What is the importance of an observation with different filters? Which ones should be preferred? Perhaps, this could be a matter for one of our next meetings.
Best wishes for the new year!
P.S. I will keep SN2024abfo in my observation programme for a while.
The curve in Chroma B,R,V