About the Helpdesk + feature requests category

:hammer_and_wrench: Discussion about the Astro-COLIBRI platform, its features and bugs, how it works, and how we can improve it.

This is your dedicated space for all discussions related to the Astro-COLIBRI platform. Whether you’re encountering a bug, are curious about how a feature works, or have ideas for new functionalities, this category is here to assist and evolve based on your feedback and needs.

In this category, you can:

  • Seek Assistance: Run into a glitch or need help navigating the Astro-COLIBRI platform? Post your queries here and get support from the community and the developers.
  • Suggest Improvements: Have an idea for a new feature or an enhancement to an existing one? We’re all ears! Share your thoughts and let’s collaboratively shape the future of Astro-COLIBRI.
  • Discuss Features: Curious about how a specific feature works or how it can be used effectively? Start a discussion here and exchange tips and tricks with fellow users.
  • Report Bugs: Encountered a bug? Let us know! Your reports are invaluable in helping us improve the platform’s stability and functionality.

This category is not just a helpdesk; it’s a forum for growth and innovation. Your insights, experiences, and suggestions are crucial in making Astro-COLIBRI an even more powerful and user-friendly tool for the astronomical community.

Together, let’s enhance our journey through the cosmos! :milky_way: