RAPAS observation list starting 2024-11-01

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Voici mes mesures sur Prism V11 pour l’observation de SN 2024yyu. Acquisitions sans filtre faites sur mon C9.25.

Heure de prise de vue en TU : 01/11/2024 22h39
Temps de poses : 2020 secondes

Flux= 1131.5 ADU ±94.6 S/N= 21.77
MAGNITUDE= 18.16 ±0.11
RA(2000)= 22h59m39.412s
DEC(2000)= +20°08’11.65’’

LATGE Cédric


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Concernant l’objet AT 2024zse, l’alerte annonçait une magnitude de 13.4 sur cet objet.

Lors de mon observation le 02/11/2024 à 19h41 TU, je n’ai rien détecté aux coordonnées indiquées jusqu’à la magnitude 18.

Selon vous, est-ce que cette observation négative peut être utile ?

For AT 2024zse, the alert announced a magnitude of 13.4 on this object.

During my observation on 02/11/2024 at 19:41 UT, I did not detect anything at the indicated coordinates up to magnitude 18.

In your opinion, can this negative observation be useful ?

LATGE Cédric

AT 2024zse has been announced as the optical counterpart/afterglow of GRB 241029A detectected by Fermi-GBM and SVOM. The original discovery report by the MASTER collaboration was submitted to TNS but other detections were reported via GCN circulars.

Afterglows of GRBs typically fade away very rapidly and a non-detection a few days after the burst is not surprising. But I have not seen a lightcurve of the afterglow of this burst and can therefore not tell if your limit is constraining and helpful. Maybe reach out to the KNC/GRANDMA team?


Voici mes nouvelles mesures sur Prism V11 pour l’observation de SN 2024yyu. Acquisitions sans filtre faites sur mon C9.25.

Prise de vue en TU : 04/11/2024 21h08
Temps de poses : 936 secondes

Flux= 1983.4 ADU ±321.1 S/N= 12.64
MAGNITUDE= 18.17 ±0.18
RA(2000)= 22h59m39.380s
DEC(2000)= +20°08’11.46’’

LATGE Cédric

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New Astrophysical Transient Alert: EP241107a

We invite all amateur astronomers to participate in the follow-up observations of this exciting new transient event. For more details, including visibility and coordinates, please visit the Astro-COLIBRI platform: EP241107a

Alerte Nouvel Événement Transitoire Astrophysique : EP241107a

Nous invitons tous les astronomes amateurs à participer aux observations de suivi de ce nouvel événement transitoire passionnant. Pour plus de détails, y compris la visibilité et les coordonnées, veuillez visiter la plateforme Astro-COLIBRI : EP241107a

EP241107A is a X-ray transient detected by Einstein Probe. An optical afterglow has been identified at m_Ic = 17.85 +/- 0.18
